
Halloween is all wrapped up, and it’s not quite time to start wrapping Christmas gifts…what shall we do with our time in November?!

November is an interesting month, falling between two of North America’s favorite and most exciting holidays, Halloween and Christmas. Of course, near the end of the month is Thanksgiving, but that’s more of a subdued event. The sad fact is that in terms of great reasons to party and keep the seasonal hype up, there’s not much to work with….that is if you’ve completely forgotten about Movember!

You may notice that within the next week or so it will seem that every man who can grow any amount of hair on his upper lip will do so, no matter how foolish it may look. As I’m sure you’ve experienced, this can get pretty gnarly, but the truth is Movember isn’t about fashion or style, it’s about raising money for prostate cancer research. A great cause, certainly, which we think makes the endless barrage of silly mustaches tolerable for thirty days or so. While some grow a mustache just for the fun of it, there are others who go out of their way to raise as much money as possible for this important cause. And good for them! One of the best ways for these go – getters to raise money and have fun doing it is by throwing a lucrative Movember themed party! If you’re thinking what we’re thinking, then here are 5 great ways for you to make this years Movember Party a huge success!

1) Use an *AMAZING* Flyer Template

Promote your party with the pros at! If you want to raise an insane amount of money for a really great cause you need to make sure people are going to show up! Get the word out with one of the Movember Party Flyer Templates on

2) Don’t Forget the Mo Sistas

Speaking of which, enticing the ladies to show up to your event is important as well. While it’s a male focused event with a male focused cause, don’t leave out the ladies! They love to party almost as much as they love supporting a good cause (not to mention the approaching end of the mustache season). So when you put out the invite, invite your whole guest list and cater to the whole crowd! Make sure the bar serves something other than beer. Hold contests that are gender neutral or even a few for just the ladies. And of course, have your DJ spin some catchy, upbeat songs to get the dance floor bumping.

3) Serve Tasty Treats

Make sure the food and drink are plentiful. It is a party, after all. Yes, there is a cause to raise money for, but at the end of the day people want to have a good time. And think about it; more food and drink mean more guests, which means more money raised! A reasonably priced cash bar can be a gold mine for fundraisers. The cheaper you can sell your drinks the more people will buy. The same goes for food; people will get hungry and people will eat. Maybe make it a potluck and have each guest bring a plate. Also, never a bad idea to make themed snacks…but better to go for moustache shaped treats rather than hairy ones!

4) Remind People of the Cause

Invite your guests to donate as much as they can. Movember can be a lot of fun, but let’s not forget that it’s all in support of prostate cancer research. Growing a mustache and throwing a party is all great fun, but make sure the cause doesn’t get lost in the fray. Mid-way through your party, get on the mic and make a little speech. Don’t get too mushy, just gently reminder your guests why you’ve come together in the first place. Remind them how they can donate and how easy it is to do. If you can make this process even easier, do it! Anything that your guests can do right away, either physically donating at the party or donating right from their mobile phone is best. One day, with your help, all this cancer business will be history.

5) Include a few secondary Contests

Hold a contest for the best mustache, of course. But adding even a little bit more competition to your party, along with a stellar prize, will ensure the dudes in attendance will really go all out on their ‘stache. The last thing you want at a Movember party is a bunch of naked lips, so a contest for the best mustache, as well as strangest, greasiest, and poorest show will ensure that everybody has a lot of fun growing, styling, and wearing their lip sweater with pride. You could also include a wax mustache shaping contest, and if you really want to make it interesting, have them do it blind! As for prizes, Movember has to end eventually right? A shaving kit is a perfect prize for the best mustache.

Well, there you have it. 5 ways to make your Movember party amazing. Now get out there and grow that ‘stache to the joy and disgust of your friends and family!

Check out our 5 *BRAND NEW* Movember Flyer Templates below:

Retro Movember Party Flyer Template


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Mustache Bash Flyer Template


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Movember Charity Flyer Template


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Classy Acts Movember Party Flyer Template


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Movember Celebration Flyer Template


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