• License for our free downloads

    All items in our Free Flyer Templates category are available to use under the Creative Commons 3.0 license unless stated otherwise on the download page.

    Please respect this license and use our our content within the set guidelines.

  • License for our premium templates (products)

    This license covers individual purchases & our all-access PRO Subscriptions

    Our premium templates are licensed under the FlyerHeroes “Unlimited Use” License.

    The “Unlimited Use” License applies to all premium products available in the FlyerHeroes Store.

    We aim to make our premium flyer templates as useful as possible to a wide variety of people and businesses. This requires an equally flexible license structure.

    The basics:

    • You may use our premium templates in commercial work, such as client projects
    • You may use our premium templates in work which will be printed and distributed
    • You may use our templates as many times as you like
    • You may not resell or redistribute our PSD files or any of the assets contained within them
    • You may not display any images of our unedited templates on your website or social media pages without permission

    Explained in more detail:

    The “Unlimited Use” license allows you to make use of FlyerHeroes’ templates as many times as you want. Most stock websites only permit a creative asset to be used once per purchase.

    However with FlyerHeroes, you only ever need to purchase an item one time and then you are free to use it as many times as you wish.

    You can use our premium products in personal and commercial work. This means that you can use our products for your own projects and also use them in design projects which you are paid to complete.

    After purchasing a template from FlyerHeroes, you may use it royalty free. This means you do not need to attribute, credit or mention FlyerHeroes.

    You can use our templates to create design work which is printed out and distributed. There is no limit to how many copies of a design you can print.

    What you can’t do

    You may not redistribute our product files (the PSDs) in any way, shape or form unless given prior permission by FlyerHeroes staff.

    This means you may not upload our .PSD product files to any website and redistribute them to 3rd parties in any way.

    Furthermore you may not redistribute any asset or layer found within our source files in any way.

    This means you cannot use any asset found within our templates in files which you then redistribute or offer for download.

    Redistributing our premium products or product assets without permission will result in legal action being taken.

  • If you have questions, please contact us:

    Please contact support if you need any clarification on our file licenses.

Access all 2125 flyer templates on FlyerHeroes with a PRO Subscription. Click here for details.