Passover Dinner Flyer v2

This traditional style of this Passover flyer makes it an ideal vehicle for promoting your next Passover Seder. The editable template produces a professional-looking flyer that is easily produced and utilized. Once it is printed out, you can quickly and easily distribute it at Jewish places of worship and Jewish organizations. When school is over for the day, bring flyers to distribute to the parents picking up their children at Hebrew academies, Jewish day schools, and yeshivas. This flyer is so versatile that it can also be used in mass postal mailings via postcard or letter, and on internet social media sites such as Facebook.  Use this flyer to reach out to your desired participants at home, where they work and shop, and where they gravitate on social media. Print out flyers in different sizes to post and distribute in a variety of ways. With a little effort and a lot of flyers, your Passover event will be fully attended with happy participants sharing stories, traditional Passover food, and other Passover traditions.

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