Charity Night Flyer 03

Marketing your children’s charity night drive needn’t be difficult or complex. Helping kids gets easier when you’ve got the right marketing tools. This charity night template can start marketing your kid’s charity fundraiser within 24 hours of your purchase! All you have to do is edit the template, save, and distribute.

Here’s a way to loosen the purse strings and get those charitable donations rolling in:

  • Blow up the children’s charity flyer to a jumbo size so you can post it in highly visible public spaces around daycare centers, schools, hospitals, places of worship, train stations, bus stops, and local businesses.
  • Ask local store owners if they’d be willing to post your kid’s charity event poster on their store windows or entrance doors. Provide stacks of smaller-sized flyers to place by cash registers and exit doors.
  • Distribute stacks of flyers to local churches, synagogues, and other religious congregations.
  • Post on bulletin boards in public spaces around children’s hospitals.
  • Mail stacks of flyers and media kits to corporate offices for distribution in their cafeterias and other places.
  • Create an attractive postcard using a digital version of the flyer.
  • Tuck flyers and candy hearts into envelopes to mail out to donors on your mailing list.
  • Tweet out a promotional Twitter post using the flyer’s image.
  • Post the flyer’s digital image across social media, in your organization’s newsletters, and in an informational blog post regarding your charity night event.
  • Create a kid’s charity night Facebook ad or boosted Facebook post using the flyer’s digital image.
  • Place flyers on cars parked in corporate parks and on local residential streets.
  • Distribute flyers in areas where foot traffic is heavy: popular restaurants, movie theatres, sporting good stores, office supply stores, pet shops, hair salons, and clothing stores.
  • Hand out flyers in front of tutoring centers and local colleges.
  • Drop off stacks of flyers at doctor’s offices, dental offices, and pediatrician’s offices.

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