Lung Cancer Awareness Flyer

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women.  Your lung cancer benefit deserves attention and this powerful flyer will make certain that it receives plenty of the right kind of attention. Featuring lungs as the main illustration communicates that lung health is the focus of your benefit. The bold banner at the top effectively communicates the lung cancer theme of your benefit, while a subheading situated directly below the lung illustration clearly communicates your benefit’s date and time. Within the footer, there is ample room to include contact information, social media platforms, and other important details.

The designers at FlyerHeroes believe that simple designs like this one have an enormous impact. This clean, spare, and elegant lung cancer awareness template isn’t so cluttered that the message and essential information are obscured and it’s easily editable. All you must do is input the information you wish to include, save the file, print, and distribute. It won’t be long before you’ll be flooded with responses from people wishing to attend your lung cancer benefit.

What Fonts Do I Need?

BebasNeue Regular

Bignoodle Titling 

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General information:

This flyer template is a premium Photoshop PSD flyer/poster template designed by FlyerHeroes to be used with Photoshop CS4 and higher.

Once you have purchased this flyer template, you are free to make any customizations and modifications you’d like.

You are also granted an unlimited use and 100% royalty-free license, meaning you can use this product as many times as you wish. You are free to use this product in both personal and commercial work.

You can read more about our file licenses here and our file requirements here.

Please note, stock models/photographs of people are used for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the final download. We do however include a blank placeholder layer to make using your stock photos as easy as possible.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to direct your questions to FlyerHeroes Support.

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