Inter-Galactic Free Flyer Template

From a galaxy far far away comes a free club flyer template of intergalactic awesomeness…. Inter-Galactic Flyer Template!

I was originally going to put this template on the FlyerHeroes Store, however, I set you guys the challenge on Facebook to Like this photo 50 times and in exchange, I would give it you guys for free.

Well, you guys showed your support and now you can get your mitts on this (pretty awesome) free space-age flyer template! :p

Inter-Galactic Flyer Template features a futuristic/space inspired design style with a 3D rotating circle centerpiece that surrounds the main feature performer/stock image.

To add depth to the design the 3D circle and various other 3D elements start in the middle of the flyer and expand out to the edges growing larger and blurred to help create depth of field and add a touch of realism to the design.

Inter-Galactic – the making of

Something I haven’t done for a long time is recorded myself when making a flyer. I think it’s great to record my creative process so I can see where I could’ve improved. Also, I think it makes for great entertainment and hopefully helps inspire some of the up and coming designers out there who need some design inspiration ;)

I don’t post much on YouTube but it’s something I think I will definitely start to do more of. If you’d like to keep up to date with anything I post on the tube of Yous, you can follow me on YouTube here.

Just as a disclaimer before anyone asks – the video is not intended to be a tutorial, just an overview of how I made the template. I also don’t design at a gazillion miles per hour either – I have sped the video up! :P Lol… Anyway, on with the important stuff:

What fonts do I need for this free flyer template?

Where can I get the same stock photo you used?

Inter-Galactic Flyer Template

Inter Galactic Flyer Template by FlyerHeroes

Free Nightclub Flyer Template

Inter Galactic Flyer Template Mockup

Free Nightclub Poster Template

By downloading Inter Galactic Flyer Template you agree to use it in accordance with our File Licenses.

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