Halloween Fancy Dress Extravaganza Flyer Template
Halloween Fancy Dress Extravaganza Flyer Template is a fun, playful and 3d-element filled Halloween Flyer Template for promoting Halloween parties and nightclub events.
See also: All Halloween Flyer Templates for Photoshop
Design Style
Halloween Fancy Dress Extravaganza Flyer Template has an orange and black colour scheme with a soft 3D element filled background design style.
The softness of the background design style is contrasted beautifully with sharp metallic and neon layer styles for the title text and the crispness of the feature model image (You must use your own model image of course).
Halloween Fancy Dress Extravaganza Flyer Template is one of our most obvious halloween designs – in fact, it’s absolutely unmistakeable.
With large falling Pumpkins, black bats, orange colour schemes, glowing orange stickers and the word Halloween in big letters, this is the perfect hallowen flyer template design!
Although advertised as a Fancy Dress halloween event, you needn’t use this flyer to advertise Halloween Fancy Dress events – you can customise the text and images however you want to advertise any type of halloween event – hell, you could remove the bats and pumpkin heads and use it for any type of event you want!
Editing this text is easy. All you need to do is edit the text with the Adobe Type Tool and the appearance will remain the same.
View related Flyer Templates:
- Halloween Howler Flyer Template
- Black Halloween Club Flyer Template
- Vixin Halloween Club Flyer Template
- Halloween Sexy Spooktacular Flyer Template
- Illustrated Halloween Poster Template Vol. 1
What fonts do I need for this template?
General information:
Halloween Fancy Dress Extravaganza Flyer Template is a premium Photoshop PSD flyer / poster template designed by FlyerHeroes to be used with Photoshop CS4 and higher.
Once you have purchased this flyer template, you are free to make any customisations and modifications you wish.
You are also granted an Unlimited Use and 100% Royalty Free License meaning you can use this product as many times as you wish for as many clients as you wish. You are free to use this product in both personal and commercial work.
You can read more on our File Licenses here and our File Requirements here.
Please note, stock models / photographs of people are used for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the final download. We do however include a blank placeholder layer to make using your own stock photos as easy as possible.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to direct your questions to FlyerHeroes Support.