Blood Drive Flyer v2

Powerfully drive home the message–blood needed—with our highly visible and versatile Blood Drive flyer. Quickly get up and running to attract flocks of blood donors by distributing this professional-looking flyer within hospitals, medical buildings, and in other high-traffic settings. There are multiple ways to use this flyer–face to face, on bulletin boards, on social media sites, in mass mailings, and via email. Here are a few suggestions for effective distribution:

  1. Post the flyer in hospital cafeterias, common areas, and entrances.
  2. Distribute in high-traffic areas such as shopping centers, churches, colleges, libraries, and fast food restaurants.
  3. Insert the flyer into social media posts or use it to run a local blood drive ad on Facebook.
  4. Post an extra-large size version on advertising display boards.
  5. Use the flyer’s image in a postcard mass mailing campaign.
  6. Dress staff members in scrubs, and have them hand out flyers and doughnuts at local parks or large entertainment venues.
  7. Hire temp employees to visit corporate offices to leave stacks of flyers at reception desks in the main lobby.
  8. Post the flyer on bulletin boards in community centers or religious organizations.
  9. Leave stacks of the flyers at the local Chamber of Commerce.
  10. Tuck the flyers on the windshields of cars parked in health club parking lots.

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